Web Based Application form for Summer 2024 for All Applicants

All Applications are due by February 12, 2024.

The Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Scholars Summer Research Program (legacy Merial) has been continuously funded at Michigan State University for over a decade. This program provides mentored summer research experiences, augmented by seminars and field trips, for first- and second-year veterinary students both on campus as well as through two other collaborating institutions. Thus, students can participate in research training at the Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine at the University of Michigan and at the Van Andel Research Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as at Michigan State University. Students from other colleges of veterinary medicine, within and outside of the United States, are also welcome to participate in this program. US citizenship or permanent residency is not required. Students selected for the program also be eligible to participate in the Veterinary Scholars Symposium.

The program begins on May 20 to August 2, 2024. There is some flexibility afforded to non-MSU students with regard to the dates of the program.

Students interested in the research on the campus of Michigan State University can find information on potential mentors and their research through the link below as well as through contacting the program director, Dr. Srinand Sreevatsan.

Srinand Sreevatsan, BVSc, MVSc, PhD, MPH
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies
Professor, Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University 784 Wilson Road, G314
East Lansing, MI 48824 Ph: (517)353-3145
Email: sreevats@msu.edu

Information on MSU Mentors and Their Research Interests

Unit of Laboratory Animal Medicine
College of Medicine
University of Michigan

There is an increasing demand and need for veterinarians trained in laboratory animal medicine. The University of Michigan has had a long-standing training and research program in laboratory animal medicine and comparative medicine. This program has an excellent reputation and is one of the oldest programs of its kind in the United States. Veterinary students participating in this summer research program will have the opportunity to participate in a mentored research project in the area of clinical laboratory animal medicine or basic research in comparative medicine. This summer research-training program is an excellent opportunity for students considering a career in laboratory animal medicine.


Portia Allen, DVM, MS, DACLAM

University of Michigan


College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University

Students participating in the Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Scholars Summer Research Program are expected to present the results of their research findings in either an oral or poster format at the College of Veterinary Medicine Phi Zeta Research Day scheduled during fall semester 2020.