Studying the genetic and biophysiological similarities between animals and humans enables scientists to more rapidly discover and refine medical, surgical, and health care treatments and preventatives. The comparative medicine and translational research produced at the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine has helped improve and save lives. From novel surgical approaches and tools, to the innovative repurposing of established therapeutics, to the careful studying of auto-immune disease-triggering pathogens and events, scientists at the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine are changing the face of human and animal health.

The College’s investigators, collaborators, and funders benefit from optimal positioning and resources. While bench research is facilitated in state-of-the-art laboratories, clinical research programs are run next door at the MSU Veterinary Medical Center.

The College also offers a broad range of equipment and other resources to help facilitate the research of on-campus and external collaborators. In addition, the College partners with the University’s Campus Animal Resources to help promote animal welfare through the responsible, ethical use of animal models in translational research.

Interested in collaborating or supporting the College’s research? Contact Dr. Srinand Sreevatsan, associate dean of Research Facilitation for the College.