Why we're here

Our goal is to prevent fish disease and help grow healthy, sustainable aquaculture by providing resources and training to veterinarians and fish farmers.

Myron Kebus, DVM, MS, provides training and resources to people interested in preventing fish disease and in growing healthy aquaculture. He works closely with fish farmers, veterinarians, and students.

Dr. Kebus leads the project “Fish Farm Biosecurity and Enhancing Aquatic Animal Disease Preparedness and Response in the North Central Region,” funded by a grant from the USDA National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program.

Introduction to Aquaculture

If you’re new to aquaculture, you might want to read Introduction to Aquaculture in the North Central Region, published by the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center (NCRAC), administered by the USDA Extension Service.

What you'll find on this website

Information for veterinarians:

  • Training Programs
  • Professional organizations, conferences, journals
  • Reference Texts
  • Recordings of trainings

Information for farmers of fish and other aquatic species

  • Lists of Aquaculture Veterinarians
  • Regulatory information and agencies

What you'll find on this website

Information for veterinarians:

  • Training Programs
  • Professional organizations, conferences, journals
  • Reference Texts
  • Recordings of trainings

Information for farmers of fish and other aquatic species

  • Lists of Aquaculture Veterinarians
  • Regulatory information and agencies

For people who like a good story

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Dr. Myron Kebus kebusmyr@msu.edu

Photo w/ caption: Myron Kebus, DVM, MS, assistant professor and aquaculture outreach veterinarian, Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation, College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University.